Thu 13 July 2017 : Blender : Ian Dow-Wright

Material: Net Curtain

I'm currently working on modelling the whole interior of the house my wife and I are buying. I'm one room in so far but I'll cover that in detail in another post soon. I hit a snag when I was trying to model the curtains for the windows though.

How on earth do you make a net curtain material?

I tried using the translucent material, then I tried using it mixed with the transparent material but nothing seemed quite right. I had a brief chat with Alex Saplacan on the UK & Ireland Blender Users Slack group and he suggested using Wave Texture nodes to generate the lines in the fabric. After some fiddling about I came up with this which I think works pretty well.

Applying it to a plane that I'd distorted using the cloth simulation gave a pretty believable result…

Curtain with environment behind

…and up close you can see the very fine fibres.

Detail view of curtain with environment behind

Hopefully someone out there will find this useful. I hope to share more materials as I make them throughout this project. I might also have to think about changing the design of this site to make it easier to find them once there's a decent library.